Attention Doctors and Therapists! Parents too!
Open House - You're invited - this is a great resource to know about and refer clients that may seem appropriate for the services - maybe looking for an alternative to medications or other services havent been helpful. The new SSP we offer was developed with Dr. Stephen Porges - trauma researcher - so helpful for those with brains that have been hijacked by their amygdala or a nervous system that could use a reset so the person can access all of their brain's resources rather than only responding from an emotional/survival driven place.
It is not meant to be a replacement for therapy but an adjunct and supportive piece to make other therapies more effective and efficient since their brain will be better connected and the foundation stronger! I hope to see some of you there!
Can RSVP here
Thank you! We are so excited about tame your tiger becoming it's own business with its own space to work and grow and help others!