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Our Story

Our founder is a licensed family therapist and play therapist. She has a son with sensory processing disorder since birth and a daughter with developmental trauma and learning disabilities due to living in an orphanage for her first 7 years.  While researching interventions for her son after several misdiagnoses and horrible medication side effects she realized the information in the trainings was very similar to trainings about developmental trauma she had been taking as a therapist and adoptive parent.   So she started offering these programs at her group mental health practice and then with such great successes she moved it into its own business with her new partners - who are fabulous brain trainers too!

What is Tame Your Tiger Brain Training?

The brain starts growing in utero - it develops hierarchically - from the foundation up - similar to a building. If the foundation has issues we can do work on the upper floors and the problems will just resurface. Often different types of therapy are aimed at the upper floors - so progress will be slow and short lived - because the foundation issues aren't being addressed.  The Tiger (our survival system) - can get overworked due to many factors - early trauma, neglect, premature birth, genetics/inherited traits, exposure to violence, sensory issues, neurodevelopmental issues like ASD, ADHD and more. If our Tiger gets woken up a lot  - it often now thinks it's in charge and we lose some control over our reactions and emotions. The Owl (our logic and reasoning) is now often flying away when our Tiger wakes up - there's no more communication. In order to tame the tiger we need to reset the nervous system and create more connections so our Tiger and Owl communicate and work together so we can learn, connect with others and take back our power. Tame Your Tiger Brain Training is not a cure for any particular diagnosis or condition - it simply is a way to fine tune our control center so that other therapies and learning opportunities are more effective and efficient.  Take the Measure of Foundational Abilities below - and then schedule an appointment to review the results and receive a personalized recommendation.

Who Can Benefit?

Those experiencing on a frequent basis​

  • Anxiety

  • Auditory hypersensitivity

  • Inattention

  • Behavioral dysregulation

  • Difficulty with social communication

  • School avoidance

  • Time management difficulties

Those with the following diagnoses (not required or necessary)

  • PTSD

  • ADHD

  • ASD

  • CAPD

  • ODD

  • GAD


Ages 2 and older can participate in most Tame Your Tiger Programs​

Holistic (no medication!) 

Developed by professionals in the medical and trauma research fields - many case studies and research available. 

"She is now able to communicate when she is struggling rather than flying off in a frustration state.  14 yr old with PTSD  - after SSP
Measure of Foundational Abilities


The MFA is an online assessment of symptoms that measures change in six key categories: balance, gross & fine motor control, sensory, social/emotional, auditory/language, attention/organization and sleep. It is meant to be used as a self-evaluation before and after programs.

Behaviors are often caused by foundation issues.
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